I ordered a cup of coffee and they brought me an entire carafe. I was skeptical. It was only $1.99. But it was good. And I am picky. I wish I could have drank the whole thing...
Liam enjoyed the 1/2 & 1/2 containers while we waited for our food.
We kept our eyes out for morel mushrooms, but it was probably a bit too late in the season. Although, even if there were some to be had, we could have walked right over them and never noticed with our untrained eyes. Too bad. We saw some at the Whole Foods in Kansas City. They sell for $49.99/lb!!!
Liam seemed a bit shell-shocked with all of the new things to take in. He was content to hang out in the backpack for a while.
Iowa is amazing this time of year. It was in the 70's the entire time we were there.
yay! you're back! can't wait to see you! Looks like it was a great trip :-)