This is the first time Gabriel has pulled out his saxophone the entire time we've been married (he played in junior high and 9th grade...). Liam wasn't sure what to think.
6 years ago
This is the first time Gabriel has pulled out his saxophone the entire time we've been married (he played in junior high and 9th grade...). Liam wasn't sure what to think.
Liam's newest thing is waving hello/goodbye and saying "bye bye." This is his first word, even before Mama or Dada. I tell myself it is because he is really good at making the "b" sound. Everywhere we go, Liam waves at all the people passing by. He also waves at things he wants or doesn't want. It really has opened up alot of communicative possibilities. So, I suppose "bye bye" isn't such a bad first word...
Here he is waving and saying "bye bye, "but it isn't his most articulate moment. You still can get the idea, though.
Liam loves music, and he loves to dance. His other new thing: he likes to roar. Notice his dancing face, too.
The music is from the Putumayo Kids: Sing Along